Tuesday, February 06, 2007

MySpace: targetting gullible but horny teens

MySpace, like several decades of other businesses, most notably in the entertainment (including sports), clothing, and cosmetics industries, is just another effort to exploit the rather gullible nature of zillions of teens who are desperate to fit in somehow, in a way that they think is "fresh" and hope is rebellious enough to offend/disturb their parents?

MySpace would sell pr0n to horny teens if it could get away with doing so, but exploiting their desire to be be trendy is the next best thing. A lot of filmmakers, music industry executives (not so much musicians themselves), and vendors of brand name clothing know very well that sex sells, especially to young people from the age of puberty on up, but also realize that society won't let them sell it the way they do to adults. MySpace is a company that takes advantage of the naivety of youth who are driven by hormones and not all that worldly (read: jaded or even cynical) yet. Kids just don't want to be left out and MySpace is based on exploiting that fear by making them feel as if they are outcasts if they don't use MySpace.

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